Since 1973, Blue Valley Sod, Inc. has been growing and shipping sod throughout the U.S. Midwest region. We have more than 300 acres of growing capacity on sod farms in Blue Earth and Faribault counties in Minnesota.
We have several varieties of turf in peat soil. We can produce 42-inch "big rolls," or a lightweight 24-inch rolls. With farms 60 miles apart, we often have choices even when affected by weather to get you "on-time" shipping.
Our mission is to grow and ship the finest bluegrass product available in our market. We pride ourselves in knowing our customers' needs and working to serve their interests. We get the job done, whether for a direct customer, wholesaler, landscaper or golf course.

Celebrating 50 years of growing the best grass in the Midwest!
About Us
The Weerts’ family, have been in the sodding business for over 3 decades and are experience in producing a sod of a premium quality. We have sod fields in Mapleton, St. Clair and Blue Earth, Minnesota and are confident that we can meet the demands of whatever comes our way.
Sod purchased from Blue Valley Sod is a mixture five different types of Kentucky Bluegrass. This creates luxurious sod that looks rich and most importantly, healthy. The sod is fertilized regularly and maintained daily and cut to order.
Blue Valley Sod is a member of MN Turf and Turf Products International. Its owner and president, Bob Weerts is a Past President of the organization.
Whatever project you are doing whether it is big or small we will have you covered.
helpful tip when ordering sod
Length x Width = Square Feet
Square Feet / 12 = Number of Rolls
This will give your total number of rolls you will need to complete your project.
12ft x 15ft = 180sq.ft
180sq.ft / 12 = 15 Rolls of Sod

Winnebago Location
Corporate Office – Sod is available at this location from the sod farms located at Mapleton & St. Clair and Blue Earth MN. Sod is available in 42” & 24” rolls. Also available at this location: seed, mulch, dirt, crushed rock, and many erosion control products, such as: bioroll, silt fence, silt curtain, & erosion control blankets.

Blue Valley Sod – Main Office
Phone: 800-797-0033
Fax: 507-893-4656
524 Main Street South
Winnebago, MN 56098